Which Healthy Foods Are Threatening Your Perfect Smile?

You may be surprised to find that it isn’t always junk food on the list of foods that are potentially harmful to your teeth. In fact, some of the foods most highly recommended by nutritionists may be wreaking havoc on your smile. Why? Although sugar is the most widely recognized offender when it comes to dental health, it isn’t the only one. Acid is also problematic, because it can eat away at the enamel that protects teeth from decay. Acid and sugar can be found in some of the healthiest foods, which means that while they are good for your body, these foods should be followed by a good dental hygiene ritual.


While the doctor would definitely recommend that you regularly consume low-fat dairy, the milk, cheese, and yes, even yogurt can be hard on teeth. Dairy contains a lot of sugar. The good news is that even though the sugar is problematic, good dental habits can alleviate much of the concern. Dentists do want you to consume dairy regularly, because the vitamins and proteins in these foods can strengthen enamel and fortify the bones that hold the teeth in place.


Oranges, lemons, and limes are great tasting and deliver a lot of valuable vitamins, but they are very high in acid, which means that they are hard on tooth enamel. While you may be tempted to brush just after eating that big orange, most dentists now recommend waiting, as the brushing can push the acid around in the mouth, covering a larger area. Instead, drink a lot of water after eating citrus. You might even consider rinsing with a baking soda and water solution, if you have notoriously weak enamel.

Sports Drinks

For athletes, sports drinks deliver necessary hydration and electrolytes that can help keep the body going. However, these beverages are generally high in sugar and have a very acidic nature. That makes them a double whammy as far as dental health is concerned. It’s generally advised that you opt for water instead.

Dried Fruits

Often recommended by nutritionists as an alternative to sweets, dried fruit generally contains a lot of added sugar. Worse yet, for dental health, these dried goodies are typically very sticky. This means they get stuck in the cracks and crevices of the teeth, which traps the sugar in place, so the harmful bacteria can easily feast away.

You can still enjoy these foods. But be sure you are practicing good dental hygiene and try combining them with the saliva-boosting foods. A few examples are celery, carrots, peppers, ginger, and cucumbers.

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